Packing tips for happy holiday hormones

Packing tips for happy holiday hormones

It’s that time of year when lots of us are getting ready to get away on a summer holiday – hope you have something exciting planned!

Wherever you are headed,  if you want to ensure you make the most of your holiday by helping keep your hormones in check, without feeling like the fun police came along for your trip too, check out the easy tips below for happier holiday hormones. 

  1. Suncream

The sun provides vitamin D which is GREAT for your hormone balance (especially if you have PCOS where you're more likely to be deficient), but you also don’t want to burn. However, lots of standard sunscreens do contain a lot of chemicals and if you’re particularly sensitive to hormone disruption it can be better to choose an alternative chemical free brand.  One’s that I’d recommend are Green people and Omuci nothing to hide.  It’s worthwhile choosing to be in the shade at the hottest time of the day and use a hat to shield your face.

  1. Protein rich snacks

Your hormones like protein as it helps keep your blood sugar balanced and when you're away, protein intake can reduce, so be prepared with some hormone-friendly options such as nuts, seeds and nut butters.  You can make up an easy trail mix before you go with some dried fruits and dark choc.  You might want to take some protein powder with you to ensure you’re able to keep your protein levels up, some brands do sachets which are useful for holidays.

  1. Supplements

Keeping up your supplement routine whilst you’re away is super important! I always make sure I have mine with me – if you’re using Ovi formulas daily balance, I tend to take the whole packet as I find it easier but if you also have pills then a pill box can be a good idea so you’re not carrying lots of bottles. 

  1. Trainers and Resistance bands

Now I know exercise on holidays can be a controversial topic but keeping up some daily movement is such a great way to support your hormone balance.  The great thing about resistance bands is that they’re super easy to pack and you can do easy exercises with them whilst away.  Just having your trainers with you and planning a morning stroll or after dinner walks can be a really great way to support your body without feeling like you’re under pressure to exercise whilst you’re away. The goal is feeling good on the inside, not to make exercise a punishment. 

  1. Metal Water Bottle

Avoiding plastic is a key part of restoring hormone balance so really try and stay away from plastic bottles if you can especially if you’re sitting on the beach and the bottle could be in the sun.  By taking an insulated metal bottle with you, you’re also doing your bit for the planet.  Most airports now have water stations for you to refill on your journey. 


  1. Organic tampons or pads / reusables

If you think you might get your period or have PCOS and you have no idea when your period might arrive, be prepared with some organic tampons, pads, cup or reusables. Avoiding chemical disruptors in your period products is another way to reduce the burden on your liver to help balance your hormones overall. 

  1. Sleep Essentials

Keeping up your focus on the quality of your sleep is something that’s essential to help you with addressing hormone imbalance – take a good eye mask, cool cotton pyjamas and even some essential oils to have as an extra luxury holiday treat. 

These simple tips give you ways of supporting your hormones whilst you’re away whilst still allowing you to enjoy your deserved break!

If you think you might be running out of daily balance click here to order yours to make sure you have enough for your holidays. 

Have a great trip!